Help us to improve our work

February 14th, 2019

We develop e-courses on demand. The only way to get it right is by testing them. We need your help to do this.

Our employers provide the content and we format it in an e-course. This sounds easy, but in reality, the road from idea to finished product is treacherous. Many employers provide very general information about what they want, then it’s up to us to structure that information, develop a nice storyline, and fill the gaps. We quickly become ‘experts’ on the subject of our courses. We look for examples of real-life best practices to showcase and interesting people to interview. This is the cherry on top of our courses.

Much depends on the direction our employers want to take. Some just want an e-course about a specific subject and want us to surprise them with a proposal. Others provide detailed texts, videos and images to include. In the end, it’s always a challenge how to put across the desired messages in a compelling and interactive way. Images may turn out to be confusing or culturally inappropriate, some information may be too general or not consistent, some information might even be missing. The only way to find out is through conducting multiple tests. In order to get it right, we need people to test-drive our draft courses and provide feedback. We need reviewers.

We cherish our reviewers. We learn what works and what doesn’t, based on their comments. They help us to understand what makes sense and what is confusing. Experts on the course subject often give valuable additional information that we might have missed. Objective reviewers draw our attention to unnecessary jargon, text that is too complicated, and incomprehensible drawings. Artistic reviewers help us to choose better colours, layouts and fonts. Detail-oriented reviewers neatly point out all the small errors in language, spacing and coherency. We really try to avoid mistakes, but I’m always amazed, and humbled, by the number of good suggestions and improvements we receive from our reviewers. What would our courses be without them?

We are always looking for volunteers interested in reviewing the courses we have under development. At the moment, we’re inviting you to review our three draft courses: Integrated Water Resources Management, Outreach to Farmers and Improving Your Daily Communication.

You can sign up to be a reviewer via the website:

Simply fill in the form and indicate which courses you are interested in reviewing. We will send you a review link as soon as the draft versions are ready. You can enter comments and suggestions in text balloons using the review mode. These appear on each page for you to leave your input.

Your assistance helps us to create better courses for learners. At the same time, you get an early insight into the course content and pick up some extra knowledge. We can’t pay you for your time, but our gratitude is eternal!

Jan Willem Eggink